Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Vanilla Milkshakes' first post ever! EVER!!!

For some reason I can't get into my (David) old blog at http://trueposer.blogspot.com so I suppose that I will defer to this domain. Makes sense... we should of really started it sooner really. You wanna know what's going on with the three of us? Well I'll try my best to get the other guys to post. But in the interim I will be posting things that I think are superior to whatever the other guys will post.

I know this because good I am at grammacal.

Here's a new song! Try it out, does it fit? It will most likely be a side to a split single, but who knows? If we have enough time with Calvin Johnson March 24th-26th we'll probably go for it. :-)

Good Intentions will Kill Us All (Be Afraid)
By: David McGhee / The Vanilla Milkshakes

Chords are F and Am with a vocal melody of F to E in the chorus and spoken word during the verses.
You do know that GMOs won't kill you right?
All of your hippie knowledge is ignorant to factual science
Maybe you want to save the world
So maybe that's why you blocked tons of grain for the starving in Africa Green Peace

Afraid, you should be afraid
Afraid, you should be afraid

 Pretty much any scientist can tell you GMOs are not toxic
The logic doesn't make sense, since hundreds of thousands of genes
are passed on and combined by natural cross pollination
Why would one gene changed be dangerous?
It's like drinking the blood of your enemy to gain his powers

Afraid, you should be afraid
Afraid, you should be afraid
A grave, you're digging your own grave
A grave, you're digging your own grave

The CDC says to vaccinate your children but I still think it's a scam
You see, I have Aspergers and I know it was caused by a vaccine
Then again only 99% of all doctors say you should vaccinate your children and it doesn't cause autism
Who will be the voice for that 1%? You go Jenny McCarthy!

Afraid, you should be afraid
Afraid, you should be afraid
A grave, you're digging your own grave
A grave, you're digging your own grave

I want my cancer grown organically
I want my cancer grown organically
I want my cancer grown organically
I want my cancer grown organically